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New Student Tips

Here's what you need to know to make your experience more enjoyable.

"Amazing environment...Learning so much as a new student. Thank you!!!!"

Amy McGoldrick

New to Yoga? Here's What You Need to Know

What to Bring

Always bring a yoga mat, towel and water bottle.  We're happy to loan you one for the day if you forget.  We also sell premium mats when you're ready to buy your own.  

What Class to Take

If you’re new to yoga we recommend our Foundational Flow class. We also suggest new students place their mats somewhere in the middle of the room. We move in different directions and this ensures you always have a visual guide in front of you. If you are familiar with Sun Salutations then you will most likely be comfortable in a Next Level class.

Practice Consistently

To get the most out of yoga, a regular, consistent practice is key. Aim for 2-3 times a week in the beginning.  This allows you to build strength, flexibility and balance at a comfortable pace.  After a month or two you can move to 3-5 times a week. 

Room Temperature

Our studio is kept at 85 oF year-round. It’s warmer in the back of the room and cooler in the front. We're considered a "warm" vs. "hot" studio. Did you know your body adjusts to heat in less than two weeks?

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New Student Tips
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Manduka Mat

Get a Good Mat

Yes there is a difference in mats.  A cheap mat, like those are Target, can be tempting. But they tend to be slick, offer minimal support and end up in landfills on a frequent basis.

Instead, we recommend buying a Manduka mat.  They come in two different thicknesses, both come with a lifetime guarantee, and are the standard in the industry. A mat is the only piece of "yoga equipment" you'll need. (Yogi Toes--a towel with silicone beads to help grip, are also nice to have.)



This is a breathing practice first.  By listening, and honoring your breath, you'll know when you're working "just right" and not over or under doing it.  You can always take child's pose whenever you need a break or need to regain your focus.

Karma Yoga Bottle

Drink Water

You will sweat in this practice. By waiting until class to have your first water of the day, you make it more difficult for your body to stay hydrated.    

Drink water throughout the day. It takes about 20 minutes from the time you drink water until it hits your bloodstream.

We also offer filtered water so be sure to bring a bottle.  Or you can borrow ours if you forget yours. 



Sweat is actually beneficial for you.  It's detoxifying, gives your kidneys a break, and helps to cool you down.  One way to sweat less is to keep a layer of sweat on you in practice instead of always wiping it away.  It works. 

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M beginner friendly m

Where to Park

Please park on the street. Spaces are FREE, plentiful and are good for two-hours.  Help us be good neighbors by avoiding driveways.  Please do not park in the parking lot—the spaces are for the lofts, offices and nail salon. 


Please silence your phone. We also request you avoid wearing heavy fragrances and arrive free from the influence of drugs or alcohol. 

When to Eat

Everyone responds differently to eating and moving physically.  A good guideline is to avoid eating anything heavy 2-3 hours before you practice.


If you are inflexible, yoga is where you can change that. Give it time.  People drastically overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they can do in a year.  Your body is changing all of the time.  You can help it move towards being more flexible, as well as stronger, by practicing consistently. 

The Purpose of Yoga

Yoga is a practice to help you know yourself and the world about you. It begins the moment you begin to pay attention.  The style we practice is called Vinyasa.  People who practice regularly develop healthier, fitter bodies, however, it is the relaxed feeling of joy that keeps people practicing.  Yoga feels good.

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