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How Much Do Yoga Teachers Earn

yoga teacher pay

How much do yoga teachers earn? How much do yoga instructors make? If you are asking the question, then you are probably trying to decide if becoming a yoga teacher is worth it financially. Will you be able to pay your bills and eat while you are sharing bliss with the world? Consider this to…


How to Become a Yoga Teacher

How to Become a Yoga Teacher

You’ve decided you want to become a yoga teacher, or you’re investigating the possibility and want to know what’s involved. You’ve come to the right place. Quick note, this piece is not about whether it’s a good idea or not for you to take a teacher training program.  For more on the reasons people specifically…


Yoga For Runners: By A Runner & Yoga Teacher

yoga for running shoes mat

I was a runner for twenty-five years, was on competitive cross country and track teams and I have taught yoga since 2005. But it took me a long time to combine the two and ask the question, is yoga good for runners? Yoga provides numerous benefits to runners, including aiding in recovery and helping to…


How to Find the Best Yoga Studio in Sacramento, or Anywhere Else

Best Yoga Anywhere

Aah Love.  While we all need it, how do you find it?  How do you find the one, the best yoga studio? Before we go any further, if you just want a few quick tips before you swipe right or left, then go here. Keep reading, though, if you want to find the best yoga…


What Makes the Perfect Yoga Teacher Training

What Makes the Perfect Yoga Teacher Training Sacramento

Every year thousands of people sign up for teacher training without any investigation. With the cost of a program valued between $2500-$4500, that’s a big leap of faith. So how to find the right yoga teacher training, at least the right one for you? Rather than focusing on perfection, it makes more sense to know…


What is Vinyasa Yoga?

Vinyasa Yoga Flowing

Vinyasa is a style of yoga characterized by stringing postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath.  Commonly referred to as “flow” yoga, it is sometimes confused with “power yoga“. Vinyasa classes offer a variety of postures and no two classes are ever alike.  The opposite would be “fixed forms”…


Yoga by the Numbers

yoga by the numbers

10 Years to give the practice when learning 3 Years to practice with a teacher before doing your own home practice 1-2 Times to practice weekly, when first starting, to build strength and flexibility 20.8 Million Number of people who practice yoga in the United States 44.4 Percentage of Americans who aspire to try yoga…


How Yoga Can Make Your Life Better in 30 Days

Apple the fruit of your action

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”  Lao Tzu. Today we’re going to reveal the one thing you need to know to tap into the hidden power of yoga.  Use this, and you supercharge yoga’s ability to make your life better in 30 days. We’ll also explore the common obstacles in doing…


Essential Yoga Equipment For Beginners

essential yoga equipment for beginners mat

Look around at social media or in popular portrayals of yoga, and you might think you need $300 yoga pants and chairs, blankets, and bolsters. None of that is true, as you’ll find out when we address the question, “what is essential yoga equipment for beginners?”   The only essential equipment you need for yoga is…


Vinyasa Yoga vs. Bikram Yoga: Which is Better?

vinyasa yoga vs bikram yoga

As a yoga teacher, I realize when you first start out, all yoga looks the same. But each type of yoga has its strengths and liabilities. So let’s explore the question, what is the difference between vinyasa yoga and Bikram yoga?   The key differences between vinyasa and Bikram yoga include time, temperature, environment, and sequence…