Yoga for Lower Back Pain Based on Science
When you have lower back pain, you want to get rid of it fast, but should you use yoga? Yes, yoga is a highly effective treatment for lower back pain. It is great for beginners, is drug-free, and works as well as physical therapy. Plus, it’s recommended by The American College of Physicians. Back pain…
Is Yoga Cardio
You already know yoga calms your mind and relieves your stress but will it also give you a blood pumping, leg shaking, heart-pounding workout? Can yoga be the one physical activity where you get cardio, strength, and consciousness? Yes, yoga can be considered cardio and thus improve your fitness level if you practice certain forms,…
Does Yoga Hurt
Intuitively, when you ask, “does yoga hurt” you may be wondering if pain is a normal part of yoga. Perhaps you’ve tried yoga recently and found yourself sore the next day. Or it’s been a week, and you are still feeling the effects of the practice that’s supposed to be good for you. Let’s clear…
Hatha Yoga vs Vinyasa: Know the Difference
To determine the difference between hatha yoga and vinyasa yoga, we need to reach back and look at some 15th-century texts. Then we need to separate what’s helpful and not and bring it back into the modern era to apply it to your practice. However, the short answer when comparing hatha and vinyasa is: Hatha…
What Are The Best Yoga Poses for Beginners
We all wish there was a scale that would tell you what the best beginner yoga poses are? Unfortunately, there’s not. But, you’re in luck because you have the next best thing, a guide, that’s me, to help you know which postures you should focus on as a beginner. And just to reassure you, I’ve…
How to Use Yoga Blocks
When you’re new to yoga, it can seem odd that there are so many yoga poses yet only a couple of basic pieces of equipment–a mat and a yoga block. While it seems intuitive that you stand and do poses on a yoga mat, the question then becomes, what do you do with the yoga…
Yoga and Gratitude. What’s in it for me?
Gratitude. In yoga, it’s got a dicey history. For all of our Western notions about yoga, in the East, it was about getting something, a “what’s in it for me” proposition, at least in the beginning. During yoga’s inception, the time of the Vedas, yoga was transactional, meaning I give to you, you give to…
Benefits of Yoga: Better, Stronger, Faster
How can you use the benefits of yoga? Take Steve Austin, astronaut. “A man barely alive…we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make him the world’s first bionic man a yogi. Better than he was before. Better. Stronger. Faster.” The 1970s’ Six Million Dollar Man notwithstanding, yoga has the…
Online Yoga Teacher Training Live vs Recorded
During the time of COVID, more teacher trainings are moving online, and specifically, teaching online recorded teacher training. This brings up questions. Is online yoga teacher training worth it? Underlying that question is, “Does online yoga teacher training work?” Which brings up the bigger question of the effectiveness of online education in general. And it’s…
Ujjayi Pranayama Breathing 101
Ujjayi breath is the most common type of breathing exercise we do in yoga, yet it’s often misunderstood, taught incorrectly, and comes with several false suspect claims. AND it’s worth exploring because it does have some real benefits and can absolutely help you find the calm and relaxation you were promised when you started yoga. …